Rip All the Pages- 52 Tear-out Adventures for Creative Writers by Karen Benke is filled with exciting writing exercises for children

When did you last rip off pages of a book? Well, that’s the first thing you need to do if you have this book filled with writing exercises for children. If you thought creative writing meant sitting with a pen and paper and mulling over it, think again! 

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Natasha Mehra Must Die- a racy thriller by Anand Sivakumaran

Natasha Mehra Must Die has all the makings of a masala novel (if there is such a thing!), with a two millennia old secret organization, countless killings, colourful villains and a very relatable protagonist. It doesn't let you catch your breath till the end and still leaves you wanting for more!

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Kaifiyat- Kaifi Azmi’s verses on love and women

Kaifiyat celebrates the birth centenary of celebrated poet Kaifi Azmi. Translated into English by Rakhshanda Jalil, the book brings the deep richness of Urdu poetry to the modern reader.

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Thrive in Retirement by Eric Thurman

The romance of retired life often comes shattering down when faced with reality. How can one thrive in retirement? Eric Thurman’s book, Thrive in Retirement offers simple secrets to being happy for the rest of your life. 

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