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Yes, everyone can be rich: Dream Big by Dr. Mukesh Jindal and Arunraj VS shows us how

Dream Big by Dr. Mukesh Jindal and Arunraj VS is a book that aims to demystify the world of investments, that laymen often wary of.

The simple goal of the book is financial literacy, which is why it goes beyond mere description of different investment options, but also talks about core and timeless principles, values and habits related to wealth creation.

The underlying philosophy of the book is that every individual is entitled to make an unlimited amount of money provided we look at money making as a skill that must be learned. This ‘skill building’ is what the book intends to do. 


Dream Big: Laying the ground

Before delving into the nitty gritty of wealth management, the book talks about some crucial issues: the importance of saving money, the difference between saving and investing, why it is important to understand that one’s investments need to beat inflation, the power of compounding and wealth creation. Dream Big explains each of these issues in relative detail so as to set the stage for the actual strategies that are to be outlined in the book.

Something that one normally does not find in investment books, but that is relevant nevertheless is the premise that ‘Time is money’. Dream Big actually devotes a whole chapter to this simple statement, giving tips on using time effectively to increase income.


Mutual funds 

This investment category clearly emerges as one of the most preferred in this book. The chapter on mutual funds explains the concept and working of mutual funds in a simple manner. In fact, the author even goes on to say that an SIP, or Systematic Investment Plan is a passive way to become a millionaire. The chapter also traces the history of mutual funds in India, for someone who is interested in going down that route as well.

The book delves into details about myths associated with mutual fund investments and the different types of mutual funds based on investment objectives as well as maturity period. This actually works as a ready reckoner for someone looking at investing in mutual funds.

Dream Big purports that equity funds are the way for long term wealth creation. It not only delves into the types of equity funds, but also provides pointers on how to choose the right one for a specific goal.



Life insurance is designed to cover life. Yet, people look at it as a form of investment as well. Does it work as an investment? What are the types of life insurance and how can one make an informed choice regarding which one to choose for specific goals? Dream Big extensively covers these areas.

Other investment options 

Options like National Pension Scheme, OPF, NSC, Tax-Free bonds and so on are well known amongst people. The book outlines these investment tools in detail, explaining the relative advantages and disadvantages of the same. Likewise, it describes debt funds and how they can meet specific needs, as well as how they are better than fixed deposits.

The book looks in detail at the whole gamut of mutual funds and the finer points that an investor needs to be aware of, including some common mistakes that investors make.

Challenging old notions

There has been a lot of thought recently about whether real estate could be considered a good investment. The book talks about real estate as an investment for personal consumption vis à vis looking at it purely from an investment perspective.

It also takes an honest look at investment in gold and weather investment in gold is really as glittering as one may want to believe.

Specific advice 

Dream Big also discusses specific tips related to retirement planning, investment for children, investment planning for women, Defence personal, those who are divorced and also for senior citizens. It outlines the differences between writing a Will and forming a Trust to pass on your wealth.

As they say, one size does not fit all. Different people have different needs and goals and hence their investment decisions have to be tailored to their unique circumstances. The book in that sense tries to be very specific and cover the whole range of investment options and tips for a wide variety of people.

Note: In view of the recent budget presented in 2018, some of the tax implications on some investments could vary. Readers must take that into account.


Putting it together 

What should one do after being armed with the wealth of information on different modes of investment? There is one more step that helps put it all together, exactly determining the course of action based on ones needs and requirements. The section on risk assessment and asset allocation looks at this aspect. It is essential to review one’s investments regularly and rejig them based on changing situations and goals in life. The book explains portfolio reviewing and rebalancing strategies as well.

Presentation matters

The language is simple and the information is presented in short paragraphs with generous use of headings, subheadings, bulleted lists, graphs and diagrams. This makes the material easy to read and access.


Tying everything together 

Dream Big aims to address the rampant financial illiteracy in our country. It gives tips not only on how to invest wisely but also on how to avoid pitfalls. How can one use this book? In my opinion, it is best read the first time to get a clear picture of the arena of investments. Then, it must be re-read taking into account one’s specific goals and requirements.

A lot of age old philosophies to do with money form the crux of the book and these principles are its very soul. Still, the newer investment instruments that have been game changers have been rightly propagated in the book. This is probably what makes Dream Big an apt tool for those seeking to grow and increase their wealth exponentially. 



Title: Dream Big

Authors: Dr. Mukesh Jindal and Arunraj VS

Publisher: Bestsellers 18, TV 18 Broadcast Limited.

Genre: Finance

This book review is a part of “The Readers Comsos Book Review Program and Blog Tours, for details log on to


Dhanishta Shah

Dhanishta is a Counselling Psychologist and a freelance writer. She is the Founder of Bookedforlife.