Kashmir! Kashmir! by Deepa Agarwal
Kashmir! Kashmir! by Deepa Agarwal is a collection of short stories for children and young adults, proving a fresh perspective on life in the valley.
Kashmir! Kashmir! by Deepa Agarwal is a collection of short stories for children and young adults, proving a fresh perspective on life in the valley.
Ganga’s Choice and Other Stories is a rare insight into the nuances of human behaviour, particularly when people are caught at crossroads, in sensitive ambiguous situations.
These dark tales will have you thrilled and terrified at the same time….a short story collection for those who love twisted plots and scary stories!
The Assassination of Indira Gandhi- The Collected Stories of Upamanyu Chatterjee may have a title that screams for attention, but it is in fact, a very nuanced and highly literary body of work.
A collection of short stories by Eka Kurniawan revolve around morbid and peculiar actions of seemingly ‘normal’ people. Kitchen Curse is a fascinating glimpse into their minds…
Storywallah is more than a collection of short stories. It presents a delightful assortment of authentic voices from India.
Author Deepa Agarwal attempts to explore existential questions from the unique point of view of women, in her latest collection of short stories- You cannot have all the answers and other stories.