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Talking periods- Menstrupedia gets period talk in the open through the medium of comics

There is something about a comic book that puts one at ease. This aspect of the medium that just makes it so accessible. Maybe, this is why it is a good bet for dispelling knowledge about topics that people often consider as taboo. Menstruation is one such area where whispers and silences, guilt and shame often dominate narratives. What is a perfectly natural process and part of life is seen as something hushed, to be relegated to the backburner. Many young girls don’t have access to scientific and correct information about menstruation and menstrual hygiene. This information gap could be wider between the urban and rural areas as well. Menstrupedia gets period talk in the open through the medium of comics

The book uses the comic-story format and narrates the story of a young girl, whose older sister, who is also a medical doctor, educates her about menstruation. Through the medium of well-represented illustrations and simple language the reader would understand various aspects of menstruation. Some of the topics include: What are periods, how do they happen, how babies are born, how can one track the menstrual cycle, hygiene during menstruation and so on. 

Education is what dispels the darkness of ignorance. It is with this noble intention that Menstrupedia seeks to spread correct information on menstruation and related hygiene. While the website has several resources for this, one of the most effective ones is their comic book. 

Menstrupedia: Features in a snippet

  • The comic is available in digital as well as physical hard copy format. There are a number of Indian languages that the book has been printed in. This makes it convenient to use in a variety of areas and with a cross section of people in the country. 
  • This is a wonderful resource for teachers to use in their classrooms. I feel that these books could be of great help in small towns and rural areas as well. 
  • If you’re a teacher or trainer, you must have a look at the detailed tutorial on the website. 

What we would have liked….

Myths and religious practices can become a very contentious issue for girls and women during menstruation. There are a number of these surrounding menstruation and I feel one must address these. Of course, this can become quite a debatable issue since there are so many religious and cultural practices and taboos that society have attached to menstruation. It may be tough, but this is something that needs to tackle the issue heads-on! I think that forthcoming editions of the book could address some of these. 

But, in a nutshell, this book well-written graphic book to promote scientific information about the menstrual cycle. Menstrupedia sets the bar high, not only with the book, but also with accompanying digital resources. 

Dhanishta Shah

Dhanishta is a Counselling Psychologist and a freelance writer. She is the Founder of Bookedforlife.