The series is all about school life. We all know that novels set in boarding schools, are almost a genre in themselves. School children relish this ‘boarding school literature’. The Hill School Girls takes on this genre. It is set in contemporary India.
Elizabeth, Mahrukh, Maitreyi and Ayesha are the Hill School Girls. Well, they go to the Hill School, which is a boarding school, that also has day boarders. This series follows each of the girls through a term at school. We get a glimpse into the lives, troubles and triumphs of these girls as the series of events unfold.
The Hill School Girls
There are instances that make boarding school exciting and heart-warming. There are also challenges both personal and otherwise which these young girls navigate. The Hill School Girls is a school for holistic learning. Children do not have exams here and they are encouraged to be close to nature, think and give opinions rather than memorize stuff. It is in this environment that these girls lose themselves…and find themselves too!

In the first book of the series, Elizabeth is the protagonist. Hill School has now become Hill School for Holistic Learning. As a result of the change, her best friend has left school. Elizabeth is ‘alone’ so to say. But, is she? For the class project, Elizabeth is teamed with three girls. One of them, Mahrukh, she is acquainted with. But, Ayesha and Maitreyi are two new girls whom she does not like. To add to her troubles, she loses a historic journal! Will she find it? And will she find elusive friendship as well?

In Secrets, Ayesha is the protagonist. It’s the second year at Hill School and there is an important introduction to the curriculum – information technology. The school gets a new computer lab. The girls have to navigate the big bad world of the internet. Simultaneously, Ayesha hides a secret buried in her heart. If the secret is revealed, it could damage her friendships. Or so, she fears. But life has other plans. A girl from school is harassed by some boys in town. The friends take it on themselves to make sure that the culprits are punished and the girl does not have to suffer for no fault of hers. Will Ayesha share her ‘secret’ to save the day? Will the four girls be able to help the victim?
Upcoming-Two more books, Strangers and Trouble will soon be joining the list in May 2018.
It is rather nice to have our very own Indian boarding school series, that resonates with Indian children who will identify very easily with the characters. The Hill School Girls is a vivid portrayal of boarding school life for the middle-years. The situations and issues that seep into the story are relevant to the modern Indian child. The books are a simple read as well. A great series to curl up with over a weekend!
Title: The Hill School Girls
Author: A.Coven
Year of Publication: December 2017
Reading age/level: 10-14 years
Publishers: Duckbill