Just like Papa by Nandita da Cunha

How can parents gently lead their kids to discover themselves as unique individuals, not necessarily clones of their parents! Just like papa by Nandita da Cunha takes on this poignant theme.

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The Tale of Makkhilal by Geeta Dharmarajan

The Tale of Makkhilal merges a profound social message with a beautiful reading experience thanks to the simple language and delightful illustrations for the 3-6-year-old age group.

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Popcorn Hooray! By Ketaki Mazumdar

Ketaki Mazumdar’s beautifully illustrated picture book narrates a simple tale of love and sharing. Set in the midst of an enthralling forest, it whips up the imagination of children.

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The Wizard Khizr- a magical folktale from Persia

The Wizard Khizr is a simple and crisp tale that takes the reader to the court of the Shah of Persia… leading to a surprising series of events and a heart-warming end!

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